Updated Course Schedule

This schedule is organized by week.

March 23, 2020By Friday, March 27, 2020, post a 250 word reflection on the ways you are practicing self-care in this moment. How are you taking care of yourself? How are you caring for your family and friends? How are you caring for your communities?
March 30, 2020By April 4, 2020, post a 250 word reflection on the writing practices you are participating in at this moment. Think about your other classes, but also think about other forms of writing and communication such as social media. Specifically, reflect on the following question: how is writing a form of self-care and how can we practice writing in a way that promotes care? Be specific, but feel free to use your personal experience in your response.
April 6, 2020By April 10, 2020, post a 250 word reflection on the following questions: Who are you looking to for guidance in this moment? Who are the ancestors you seek out for strength? Who are the elders you look to for love and care? How are you honoring your elders, ancestors, loved ones, and self in this moment?
April 13, 2020Read “Crip Emotional Intelligence” in Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha. Write a 250 word reflection for what this section of the book teaches us in this specific moment in time. Write about how you feel. Write about what hurts. What about the joys you are bringing to yourself at this point in time. Write it all. Write about what you don’t know, can’t know, won’t know. Just write it out with love and fierceness.
April 20, 2020Read “For Badass Disability Justice, Working-Class and Poor-Led Models of Sustainable Hustling for Liberation” in Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha. Write a 250 word reflection for what this section of the book teaches us in this specific moment in time.
April 27, 2020Read “Prophecy in the Present Tense: Harriet Tubman, the Combahee Pilgrimage, and Dreams Coming True” by Alexis Pauline Gumbs. By May 1, write a 250 word reflection for what this article by Gumbs may teach us in this specific moment in time. Focus specifically on the ways that Black disabled women have led the way for our liberation-to-come. Feel free to use your personal experience, or personal knowledge, as well, but dive deep into current events. How are they racialized? How are disabled people being left behind? How are disabled people fighting for survival right now?
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